Sex and Seaweed

Sex and seaweed doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue. I discovered a vital link which surprised me. Sex hormones make us sexy. The thyroid gland is the iodine-seeking device which brews up those vampish hormones we love.They need iodine and seaweed is full of it. No, it’s not just for the ladies. Iodine turbo-charges sperm.…

Miscarriage – healing after pregnancy loss

Miscarriage hurts, and is often misunderstood. Síle Seoige’s groundbreaking TG4 documentary ‘Deireadh Tochta’ follows her journey, shares stories, explores research, finds help. I’m delighted to have been part of her healing to a rainbow pregnancy. I was a ‘rainbow’ baby, born after my mother’s fourth miscarriage. She felt each of her pregnancy losses all her…