Cue the End – Michael White Jailed and Stripped of Snooker Titles for Domestic Violence

Michael White’s conviction and subsequent professional banishment should serve as a powerful reminder, domestic violence will be met with stringent legal and professional consequences. This action is a significant move towards ensuring that victims are supported and that perpetrators are held accountable, ultimately working to deter future instances of domestic violence and fostering a culture…

Dublin Maternity Hospital’s Alarming Hire: A Doctor with a Violent Past

The recent revelation that a Dublin maternity hospital has appointed Dr. Christopher Morris, a doctor with a criminal conviction for assaulting two women, to a position where he will likely treat domestic violence victims, raises profound concerns about the priorities and values within our health system.   This situation not only highlights the systemic failure…

“Two to put her down, two to put her out”

Yesterday’s court decision by Judge Tom O’Donnell to give Cathal Crotty, an Irish soldier, a suspended sentence after he brutally assaulted Natasha O’Brien knocking her unconscious is a stark example of the systemic failures in addressing men’s violence against women.   Crotty, who attacked O’Brien without provocation, punched her multiple times, and boasted about it…