#HerNameIs Sarah McNally

In a bustling New York bar, amidst a crowd of people on a Saturday night, one would assume safety is a given. Yet, the recent stabbing of Sarah McNally, an Irishwoman living in New York, shattered that illusion.   In a horrific act of violence, Sarah was attacked by her boyfriend, right in the presence…

Change begins with us

In the pursuit of societal change, the adage “if you want to see change, be the change” rings true, serving as a shining example of inspiration for those advocating for progress. I had the privilege of participating in a transformative training day with the Limerick branch of Women’s Collective Ireland, an experience that not only…

#HerNameIs Deepa Dinamani

#HerNameIs Deepa Dinamani, she moved to Ireland a few months ago with her five-year-old son, and husband. Deepa was stabbed in the neck on Friday night last, 14th July 2023, left to die without any medical assistance. Gardai believe Deepa was dead for several hours in the house and the alarm was only raised when…